Exploring Abenaki Baskets

Can baskets tell stories? In this video, Sherry Gould (Nulhegan Abenaki) , an accomplished Basketmaker, will take us on a tour of Abenaki baskets on display at Mt Kearsarge Indian Museum. 

Baskets have always been an important part of Abenaki life. Beyond the functionality of baskets, they also played a significant role in the Abenaki economy, expressing identity, and continuing to connect Abenaki people to the land. Each basket has a story that connects it to the land where the materials were harvested, the basketmaker who created it, and the techniques that were used to create it.

Join Sherry as she takes us on a tour of this beautiful collection and explains some of the materials and techniques that are woven into each piece and learn more about this living tradition.

We will explore more about Abenaki baskets and basketmaking in a future post.

Do you have a connection to basketmaking? What role do these traditions play in your life? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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