Diane Stevens

Enrolled Citizen of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation

Juried Artist
Image of Diane Stevens

My Love for nature photography was a natural progression of my love for travel.  A friend of mine joined the Peace Corps and encouraged me to join her for a two-week adventure in Namibia and Zambia, Africa.  Thus began an incredible photographic journey.  Vermont’s abundant wild life and beauty have enable me to hone my craft. 

Hiking and back water kayaking have led to incredible, yet at times challenging, photographic opportunities. Continued travels in New England, Florida, and Peru have expanded my appreciation of all nature has to offer. I recently won best in color at the Seaba Artists Exhibit.


Email: didancer58@comcast.net

Store: Diane Stevens Photography

Image of Camels Hump.
Camel’s Hump
Peruvian love birds in vibrant colors by Diane Stevens.
Love Birds in Peru
Monkey staring at the camera - taken by Diane Stevens.
Peruvian Monkey


2016 to present

Indefinite Exhibit at Trinity Church in Shelburne, Vermont 


Alnobak: Wearing Our Heritage. Traveling Exhibit. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum.


Solo photography show at Charlotte Senior Center . Charlotte, VT.

SEABA (Arts Alive) photography exhibit at One Main Street, Burlington, Vt



Photos utilized in Wabanaki Confederacy Documentary



­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Best in Color for Nature’s Pallet. Annual Open Photography Exhibit . Arts Alive.

Buy Native Art this Holiday Season

Buy Native - Low ResThere’s still time to buy Native this holiday season. Shop for one-of-a-kind holiday gifts from our local Native American artists at these locations and art markets:

Everyday. Half Baked and Fully Brewed. Main Street Lincoln, NH. Features art by Bernie Mortz.

Online. http://store.lcmm.org/SearchResults.asp?Search=abenaki&Submit=Search carries a selection of wampum jewelry by Linda Lontoe Sheehan and Twined bags by Vera Longtoe Sheehan.

December 1, 2, & 3, Vermont International Festival. Champlain Expo, Essex Junction

December 2, Grande Isle School Holiday Craft Bazaar. Grande Isle, VT. Ash Baskets by Kerry Wood.

December 2 & 3. Winter Indian Arts & Crafts Market. Institute for American Indian Studies. Washington CT. Gourds by Jeanne Morningstar Kent.

December 9 & 10. Winter Indian Arts & Crafts Market. Institute for American Indian Studies. Washington CT.Gourds by Jeanne Morningstar Kent.

December 16 & 17. Winter Indian Arts & Crafts Market. Institute for American Indian Studies. Washington CT. Gourds by Jeanne Morningstar Kent.

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