Amy Hook Therrien – Acclaimed Abenaki Watercolor Artist – Part 1

Magazine cover with Amy Hook-Therrien doing an illustration.

Sylvan Linck ‘24.5 – Middlebury College

FYSE 1570: Native Presence and Performance – 13 May 2021

Due to the length of this narrative, it will be introduced in two parts over a period of two weeks. This is part one.

Amy Hook Therrien is a local artist who specializes in watercolor painting and is a citizen of the Koasek Traditional Band of the Koas Abenaki Nation. Therrien grew up with her family in Chelsea, Vermont in a house overlooking the valley, and surrounded by nature. She graduated from Randolph Union High School and, with the support and encouragement of her parents, attended the University of Maine in Orono to study art. She considers herself very lucky to have such a supportive relationship with her family. While at the University of Maine in Orono she majored in fine art and specialized in painting and sculpture. Therrien moved back to Vermont after graduation, and is living in Windsor with her husband Alex, along with their bunny and two dogs. When she isn

Artist of the Year



Image of Amy Hook-Therrien
Amy Hook-Therrien

Meet our Artist of the Year for 2022 – Amy Hook-Therrien – a gifted watercolor artist.  Amy was chosen by her peers for this prestigious award in 2019 to be featured for the year 2020. Due to the pandemic, the VAAA was not able to celebrate Amy’s achievement.  Please join us in celebrating Amy’s artwork now and throughout 2022. 

Amy is a native Vermonter, originally from Chelsea, she grew up nestled on top of a hill overlooking the valleys below. She was surrounded by nature and beauty. She graduated from Randolph Union High School with a passion for art. She went on to college at the University of Maine in Orono majoring in fine art with a focus in sculpture and painting. After graduating with a BFA from UMaine she moved back to Vermont and she and her husband bought a house in Windsor. When she is not creating art Amy loves to travel, hike, garden, and spend time with her family.

I love painting with watercolor. When I first started working with the medium it made me nervous not to be able to control it, but in time I learned to love the uncontrollable chaos of it. I use pen to add fine details, giving my paintings more structure. I mix my paint loosely so that it separates slightly giving the painting texture. I love to paint things from nature, waterfalls, trees, plants, stones, it allows me to be freer in my painting style, nothing ever looks exactly the same in nature. You can fall in love with the imperfect, a flower missing a part of its petal, a tree with a broken branch. Painting in nature is always exciting, and exploring it is my passion. 

These pieces have been sold, but they are great examples of Amy’s incredible talent.

The following paintings are all available. Please contact Amy if you would like to purchase her art.

  • The Cardinal and Tufted Titmouse were painted in 2020 and the others were painted in 2021. 
  • The Birds are all 8″x10″, Spring Birch is 8″x16″ and the View from Little Ascutney is 29″x37″.

These paintings are available at Collective – The Art of Craft in Woodstock, VT through September. These are all for sale through the gallery. They are all watercolor w/ pen & ink. Ascutney and Winter Chill are 8″x16″ and Winter No. 3 is 11″x22″. They were painted in 2020

Collective The Art of Craft

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