Aaron Wood

Enrolled Citizen of the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation

Juried Artist since 2018
Image of Aaron Wood making a basket.
Aaron Wood making a basket

Aaron Wood descends from a line of Abenaki basket makers. Both he and his mother Kerry Wood did traditional basket making apprenticeships under the renowned basket maker Jeanne Brink. Aaron is familiar with all phases of basketmaking from the initial harvest, through pounding the Ash log to produce long thin splints that will ultimately be wove into a lovely basket.

Artist Statement

Building on a three year apprenticeship with Abenaki master basket maker Jeanne Brink, I weave fancy designs from the 1800s to 1940s styles, as well as less processed work baskets for traditional gathering and household tasks. I also apply traditional techniques to modern recycled materials at times, my ancestors adapted what was available to them, and so do I.

I demonstrate material preparation in exhibit settings to give people a better appreciation for the effort that goes into traditional work.

Image of ash basket.
Ash basket
Image of inside of ash basket.
Inside of ash basket


Email: Wooda.2008@gmail.com


2017- present.  Abenaki Heritage Weekend, Vergennes, VT.

2013 – present

Dartmouth Powwow, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

2014, 2016 Vermont History Expo, Turnbridge, VT

2013 – present. Saratoga Native American Festival, Saratoga, NY


Vermont Abenaki Artists Association

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